Monday, May 2, 2016

On our way, rejoicing

 In our last post we had a problem starting Miss Winnie. It turned out to be just a loose belt so the alternator was not charging the battery adequately. Roger was able to fix this in the RV park. (Thank you, Lord.)

We spent a very uplifting day Sunday with the church people who have reached out to Mary and Bryanna. The church van picks them up (with her friends) every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday.

In Sunday School we had a thought-provoking lesson on the potter from Jeremiah 18. It had been well prepared and was well delivered by a semi-invalid lady, Linda.

The morning service music was truly worship music and we joined in heartily. They have an incredible pianist (with bass guitar and muted drums). The message was from Revelation 2 - the letter to the church at Pergamum. Their pastor came out of retirement to fill in and he is an excellent preacher.

And - who would guess - they had a potluck after church, raising funds for their kids to go to camp. So we really struck gold again! It gave us time to get to know some of the folks and more wonderful fellowship.

Mary, Bryanna, Roger & I went for an afternoon walk - it was too nice to stay inside! We even got in our naps...

The evening service was, once again, very inspiring. A missionary lady, educated and accomplished in several disciplines, spoke. She communicated well the great need in fields she's worked - China, Ethiopia, Togo, and a few other places. We really enjoyed talking to her later. Our lives/interests crossed in at least 4 places (countries).

For the night, we parked in the church parking lot - it gets us on our way early, which is where today's blog ends. They let us connect to their outside water, electric and WiFi! Now the sun is shining, the birds are chirping (every morning they awaken us with song), and it's time to move out. Gary and Sherryl are expecting us near Nashville, TN, this evening.


  1. Precious picture!

    So do Mary and Bryanna go to the church mentioned then?

    1. Yes. That local church has really wrapped their arms around them.
