Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Arrived in the Sunshine State

We left green TN, driving on side roads. One road was hugged by tall trees, allowing just enough room for 2 narrow lanes – no shoulders! But it was scenic.

It took ½ of our day today to get through Atlanta. What a spread-out city! But we got through without any bumps or scratches! Thank you, Jesus.

Our daily schedule runs something like this: Let’s get an early start (but we’re lucky to be on the road by 9 a.m.!); cook up a main meal between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. (whenever we’re hungry or need a break); make iced tea late afternoon (very refreshing!); pull into a park before dark (if possible). You can see how we are pushing ourselves!!

One town we drove through I would have loved to stop and explore. It was called Bell Buckle in TN. Maybe someday…

Just before leaving GA, Miss Winnie got the bath of her life!! The bugs all washed away and all is clean now. FL may be the Sunshine State but the rain has come and gone several times this evening. Our Puget Sound friends are used to rain, but some may never have experienced a real rain storm. The old saying "it's raining cats and dogs" is fitting because the sound on the roof wouldn't be any louder if it was actual cats and dogs. 

Tonight we spend our first night in FL – beside a lovely lake. (in Jennings)

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