Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Santee State Park, Lake Marion, SC

We were surprised to see a rather large turtle (10-12”) walking along the edge of the highway driving lane! He must have been very disoriented! Later we saw a wild turkey.

But the highlight of the day was to meet our friends Ed & Irene on their way to retirement from SIM in Sebring, FL. They were headed south and we north. We met where our highways intersected. I fixed salad and chili and we enjoyed fellowship in our R.V. Turns out we hadn’t seen them for 26+ years. (They hadn’t changed much!)

We spent the night in a scenic, wooded park in SC. Lake Santee State Park – where the fish come out big!

Headed to our son Josh today.


  1. enjoying your photos and updates!! Tom D.

  2. Great picture of Heather, Roger, Ed & Irene!
