Monday, May 2, 2016

Arrived in TN via AR and MO

Our trip today was pretty uneventful - we did have to stop at a rail crossing for a long train - something highways don't require, but we were on side roads.

The cardinals are just as colorful as we remember! The main road kill is armadillos. We noticed quite a bit of flooding in the NE of AR. The land is flat and Miss Winnie kept up with the speeds posted (not like in the mountains where several times we just made it up to 48 mph!)

Sign on the side of the road in AR: "No hay baling on the side of the State highway"!! We didn't!

Crossing the mighty Mississippi put us into TN.

Made it on time to Gary and Sherryl's for a tasty dinner she had prepared for us. Best of all, we got reacquainted. It's been 20+ years since we'd seen them! We'll be sleeping in their church parking lot.

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. It is terrific! The Lord is using and blessing you at the same time!
