Saturday, April 30, 2016

Our time in Salem, AR

A children’s specialist of some sort comes to daughter Mary’s every Thursday to analyze Bryanna’s progress, so we got to meet her. Very nice lady.

First thing Friday morning Miss Winnie had a new air conditioner installed at Leon’s Auto Repair. This will help us when the temps go up.

Later we drove into Mountain Home (35 miles) for Mary’s doctor appointment. In the afternoon I sorted 2 more very large boxes of baby clothes. Mary’s had a lot given to her.

We also drove to Ash Flat (17 miles) to meet the developmentally delayed day care teacher where Bryanna is driven every day (~7am-3:30pm). She wasn’t in, since no “students” showed up, so we didn’t actually meet the teacher. But they showed us around and talked some about the program she’s in. Came across some Longhorn cows with their calves.

That evening we celebrated Bryanna’s birthday with a small group from the church she’s been attending. It was a potluck, so I brought chili. Then we had a short Bible study. Mary attends this regularly. The church bus picks her up.

We stayed in Mary’s apartment parking lot, so we had no internet, and no blog update. During the night there was a terrific storm, with rain pelting down all night. But we had no roof leaks! However, we did have a leak earlier in the day. The kitchen tap fitting had come loose (probably from all the bumps on the road), and water was collecting under the sink and cabinets. Roger was able to fix it quickly and we mopped up the mess!

This morning we did our laundry and served Mary tacos for lunch. She wanted to spend the rest of the day with her boyfriend, so Rog & I went into town and shopped at the 2 stores that were still open. Miss Winnie didn’t want to go any further and wouldn’t start. Roger was able to get her going using the "house battery", but thinks we may need a new starting battery. We decided to go right to the R.V. park where we had already made reservations. It’s a lovely, secluded park with lots of green and a stream flowing behind us.

So right now we do have internet – and have gotten you all caught up! Looking forward to church tomorrow - our last day in Salem.

Thanks for following our blog and for the nice comments.


  1. Thanks for all the posts. That moving home sounds like it is keeping Roger real busy. Your low matainance home in Kirkland is doing fine, no issues. Mowing the lawn about every other week. Weather is nice this weekend, we spent last night in the slip, beautiful sunset, gentle breeze. Blessings, Earl
