Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Annapolis, MD

At the VA welcome center Roger learned about the National Rifle Association Museum in Fairfax, VA. He wanted to go, so we drove over there. He saw thousands of guns on display in a self-guided exhibit. A must-see for firearms history lovers. He went through it while I had my nap and wrote some post cards. Then we headed east and have now arrived in Annapolis, MD. We are staying with our friend Lila.


We drove right through the middle of Washington, D.C. and passed by the Washington monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol, and other sights. Thanks to lots of construction, it took longer going through than we planned (sound familiar?)! We've included these artistic photos taken from the perspective of a moving motorhome. We didn't include the blurry ones! Enjoy.


  1. Such a lovely area!

    You guys sick of driving yet? :-P

  2. We miss some things about home, but we truly have enjoyed/are enjoying our trip.
