Friday, May 6, 2016

We're back online!

No computer can shut us out for long!!!!!!!!

So, here's the updates we haven't been able to publish:

We left Jennings and these interesting (ugly?) Muscovy Ducks. We hear they are excellent for dinner.

After a challenging ride through driving rain that slowed trucks to 35 mph, we made it to Seminole. Al and Marj welcomed us. Marj’s 2 brothers, Norm and Tim, live here, too (second cousins to Roger).

We enjoyed fellowship at the nearby restaurant and then went to prayer meeting together. The focus was on the National Day of Prayer tomorrow, so we prayed for our country.

Al is a magician (illusionist), so he entertained us with some fascinating you tube videos.

The sky has cleared and the stars are out.

Stayed overnight with the Nyes. Marj served us a full breakfast by 8 a.m.! And we got up in time to enjoy it. Shortly after 9 a.m. we were on our way to St. Petersburg to stop in and say “hi” to Alma and Larry Oline. Alma has been a lifelong friend of Heather’s family and it was good to get reacquainted. We finally met Larry, her husband of 19 years!

From there we went to Tampa to the office of Galcom – they make fixed-tuned, solar powered radios and Bibles. Roger & I are local NW reps for them, and wanted to meet Tom Blackstone and Hefziba Alonso, his assistant. 

From there we traveled to Orlando. We managed to squeeze a 1½ hour trip into 4 hours!! But we saw a lot of Orlando – more than we care to remember – and we have no desire to return…traffic was a hassle.

Now we are parked in a beautiful campground owned by Pioneer Mission. Pioneers' average missionary age is 35! They have thousands of missionaries out there - reaching the unreached in remote places. Very impressive.

They own the KOA campground we are on - part of their land here (which was purchased before the area was developed.) There’s a peaceful lake and the air is cool. Tomorrow we get a tour of Pioneer’s headquarters.

I managed to not have enough quarters to dry the laundry (they went into the toll road!!), so after dark we hung a line out… Oh, the joys of camping!

We had our tour and are now headed to Wycliffe (in Orlando). McDonald's bailed us out again, so we could access internet!

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