Tuesday, May 24, 2016

On The Road Again

Miss Winnie had a long rest in Annapolis. It was time to hit the road again!

After church and a good dinner with Lila, we headed north to Gettysburg. It was very revealing to see the actual battleground – which covers many acres. There are rolling hills, which would have made moving artillery difficult, not to mention the lack of visibility over the hill. Many monuments and statues have been erected throughout the battlefield areas.

From there we drove to Hershey, PA. Walmart let us spend the night in their parking lot, so we were ready bright and early to go to Chocolate World!! It even smells good…

Hershey’s Chocolate Factory offers a free tour, which we, of course, took! Then Roger enjoyed a chocolate slushy and I had almond joy hot chocolate. Indeed, it was good!

On the way out of town, Roger spotted the Penn State Police museum. He was interested in it, so while he toured, I rested! (Naps are good, even on vacation.)

We stopped next at the Roadside America exhibit, and amazing scale model township. It's like stepping into the 1950's.

Driving through Allentown, we found parking and planned to go through the Zion "Liberty Bell Church" . However, we got there just as they closed. An interesting story, so will need to return!!

We spent the rest of the day plowing through Newark and New York City. Quite an adventure! Just an FYI – the George Washington Bridge toll is $42 to take an R.V. over.…and for that price we got to enjoy bumper-to-bumper traffic for an hour. We won’t plan to do that again!

Finally, at about 9 p.m. we found a Walmart in CT that would let us spend the night. So, here we are, having had a good sleep and ready to go.

We agreed that New York has the worst roads so far in our travels. When we entered CT, the roads immediately improved greatly!


  1. Thank you for the link to your blog! Looks look you've been to amazing places. We loved Gettysburg and all the historical things around there. Bill leaves for Isreal today so appreciate your prayers for safety.

  2. I haven't commented yet but I wanted you to know that I am really enjoying being a "fly on the wall" for this trip for you. Thanks!
