Thursday, April 4, 2024

Seal Beach, CA

We stopped for lunch and shopping at a Walmart – our first since leaving home!! It felt good!! But they didn’t have a full food section, so we’ll be looking somewhere else.

Traffic was not too bad coming into L.A. – there was only one short slow-down. We got to Lois’ place with over an hour to spare – which was a good thing, since it took a lot of time and phone calls to get us hooked up into her internet so I could teach on Zoom. Roger and the Lord came through and it went well. There was a good showing of kids and adults (including 2 from China). We started the book of Nehemiah, discussing the prayer he prayed; then we took turns praying, too.

Lois gave us a tour of Leisure World – a senior retirement gated place – we almost didn’t get in!! Lois left a pass for us, but the guard didn’t seem to remember she had it. After that we gave her a tour of our R.V. Then she took us to a lovely R.V. park right on the ocean! It was wonderful – and we watched the sun set behind the clouds. Tomorrow is supposed to be the coldest day of winter here! The wind is definitely cold, but we expect it to rock us to sleep.

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