Friday, April 5, 2024

Friday, April 5

Last night the rain poured down and the wind shook the R.V. It was great sleeping weather. By mid-morning the sun was out and warming and drying everything. I went for a short walk down to the ocean edge. While I was gathering mini-shells, a wave almost got me. In my haste to get away, I fell. But I was far enough away that I didn’t get wet!!

Later, Lois took us to a marvelous CEF bookstore in Bellflower. I never can have too much Bible story material, since I teach over 100 clubs in a year. The normal CEF material covers about 30 max/per year. So, I really enjoyed shopping! And now I am armed with lots of great new stories. I also had a very old story, Yung-An, that I still use. It was falling apart. This bookstore prides themselves on having a great selection of “antiquated” materials – and sure enough, they had a “in good shape” copy of that very story!

We drove on to Covina to Paul’s house. He’s a faithful Zoom student and was excited to have us come visit. With several friends, we had a Good News Club. It wasn’t very warm, so we decided to host it in the R.V. (or, as some called it, the house-car!) 6 kids and 2 parents fit easily enough. The kids were engaged and participated eagerly. Several had very little Bible knowledge, and may not come from Christian families. It was great to be there.

Then we were taken to a Chinese buffet – so many choices! There were about 16 of us. The kids had a fun time together. The day ended happily.

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