Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Driving in CA

CA has a 55 mph speed limit on trucks. The rest of us can go 70. This reminds me of driving in Germany on the autobahn. The far right lane is for max 90 kph (we call them klicks); there is no speed limit on the rest of the highway. So, if you get in the right lane and want to pass a truck you need to very quickly accelerate to not get run over in the next lane over. Then, hit the brakes and move back into the 90 kph lane.

That's what it's like driving I-5 south in CA; if you get behind a truck and want to pass, you need to quickly accelerate and move over. Then, hit the brakes to go back to the right lane.

The roads are not in the greatest, either. However, the rest areas are good - we had lunch in a vista point.

We've enjoyed the birds and flowers with spring in the air. This morning we watched a duck with her 6 little ducklings enjoying the pond (or swamp) next to where we parked.

The Bible study/prayer time in a tiny church in Lebec was very encouraging and inspiring. They are reading the Bible through together as a congregation. "We" started Judges tonight. & they let us stay in their parking lot for the night. 

Turns out 2 of the ladies know Janis Simpson, who we are planning on visiting in TX! & the pastor attended Black Forest Academy (my alma mater). There were several other connections - from WA to CA to TX to Switzerland...God is great!!

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