Saturday, April 20, 2024


From Marsha we drove to Steve and Joye in TN. We met these friends in SC when they were involved with Operation Mobilization. She fixed porcupine meatballs for dinner – they were delicious. I also got a recipe for corn bread with corn in it. We slept well with rain keeping time on our roof. The weather cooled significantly - we put a blanket back on that we had just removed!!

Joye fixed another delicious meal – breakfast – and we were on our way.

It was a long day – about 500 miles – we parked behind an Aldi store in Aiken, SC, and attended Millbrook Baptist Church the next morning. It was a fairly full by the time the service started. ed.

A challenging message was issued – “What Gets You?” Several made decisions to accept Christ.

This put us the home stretch to Florence, SC where we’ll spend a week. The trees along the road were interesting - lots of greens - many shades, deciduous and evergreen. For the most part, the roads were in good shape and we only had one construction issue. The construction has caused us a lot of grief this year - we keep getting lost in the cities!!

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