Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Operation Mobilization in Florence, SC

We arrived at our destination mid-afternoon and got “hooked-up”, ready to work the next day. Heather taught her Zoom class and later met with the Bible Memory Club.

On Monday we showed up at 8 a.m. to start to sort books. They weren’t quite ready for us, so we came back at 9. With an hour lunch break, we stopped work at 5. It’s a fun, but demanding, job. It was great to hear some updates on the ships (Logos Hope and Doulos Hope). The Logos Hope is in South Africa for dry dock maintenance; the Doulos Hope is in the far east.

A new bookstore has opened in Papua New Guinea – filled with books from the warehouse right here. A new order for 60,000 books has come in. Semis are often seen at the dock, picking up books. Multiple people around the world are impacted by the books leaving here. It’s wonderful to be part of God’s Kingdom work, using the printed page to spread His Good News!

Roger has had some work done on the R.V. While in town, we spoke to a store clerk about the warehouse. She didn't know about it, but was sure she'd be checking it out.

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