Thursday, April 11, 2024

Language, TX CEF, overnight parking

One thing that really surprised us was how Spanish speaking AZ and TX are. When I (Heather) went to get my hair washed in a Walmart, everyone was speaking Spanish. I was concerned if they'd understand me!! (I could have tried German...) Turns out, many (or most) people are bi-lingual. That's great, but I don't want to lose the English as our official language! Many street signs are Spanish, too.

For lunch today we celebrated with West Texas (Big Country Chapter) Child Evangelism Fellowship's new chapter - one year old! They served tacos - super good, except I did get more spice than I would have wished for...It's exciting to hear what God is doing in this part of the country - about 15 people joined in for the luncheon and quite a few clubs are already operational. They are real go-getters!

We have been blessed to park for 2 nights at New Hope Church in Abilene. They are a contemporary but mission-minded church, with lots of youth. God bless them!

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