Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Finishing up Texas!

Monday was a long day on the road – over 400 miles! However, we chose a direct route rather than an interstate highway and were pleasantly surprised at the good condition of the road. Furthermore, there was no construction to de-rail us!

Our friends in Fairview welcomed us. They have a lovely place on a quiet street. We were told there is no crime there worth mentioning. Roger was able to maneuver the R.V. into a tight spot by the house. We enjoyed dinner, breakfast and lunch together, with lots of sharing. It’s good to carry one another’s burdens.

Our last TX stop was in Overton. A missionary friend from many years ago has settled here. She is busy reaching people via phone and in person. Her son has a prison ministry. Roger went with him to give his testimony. As it turned out, the jail was in lock-down because several prisoners had overdosed. They spent the time with 2 inmates, but it was time well invested. Both the men spoke English, although the ministry is usually in Spanish. Mark is bilingual; his wife Trini is from Spain. They served overseas as missionaries and now serve here in TX.

TEXAS Impressions:

We have noticed all the Texan flags flying – even more than the US flag! So far the cheapest gas price we saw was under $2.90! The drivers here are crazy – zigzagging through traffic. We won’t miss them – nor all the road construction on the interstates. Our GPS gets us lost often and we have yet to drive through a TX city without getting off the route! The weather is pleasant – about 80o. The yellow flowers lining the highways on both sides reminds us of the song “The Yellow Rose of Texas”. Long horn cows roam the fields. Horrible roads mixed with super smooth roads; many churches and wild wind are things we’ll remember. & all the nice people who live here!!

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