Sunday, April 14, 2024

Cedar Park & Corpus Christi

Friday morning we pulled out of Abilene and drove to Cedar Park. There we met with Emily and Claire – Zoom kids who can’t join us currently, but will be back in the summer. We were treated to a rib dinner. Their mom made us a rice cake for the road. I taught an in person club in the R.V. with the girls and mom in attendance.

We stayed in the Big Oaks R.V. campground and left from there for Corpus Christi.

It wasn’t a lot of miles and we had time, so we made several stops along the way. Our friends here, Ray & Chris, were at the local annual kite show, so we plugged in and made ourselves at home! They have a lovely house right on the bay. We walked their pier and watched the heron strut through the water. The sunset was lovely.

Sunday we went to church with Ray & Chris. 

In the afternoon they drove us all along the island that hugs the mainland coast. We observed dolphins playing and pelicans diving. Several ships were waiting to enter the loading dock.

Dinner was super, and after my Zoom Good News Club, we sat together on the back porch. A perfect evening with enough wind to drive any mosquitoes away!! We leave early tomorrow for Dallas.

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