Friday, April 19, 2024


Our friend, Marsha Porcelli, lives on an acreage out of town. Her driveway slopes up from the highway, causing the R.V. to drag a little!

We had 2 quiet days with her and her doggie, Rosie. She has 4 chickens and sent us on our way with free range chicken eggs. Heather taught the Thursday Zoom Good News Club from her dining room.

We watched carefully for snakes. She takes her flashlight and checks the chicken coop before she tucks the chickens in for the night. Once she found 2 in there! We were impressed that she is so brave and even kills them with a rake. I guess usually they are not the poisonous kind.

Roger was able to fix some electrical issues she was having in her family room. 

It was good to see her again after many years.

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