Tuesday, April 2, 2024

OR to CA - Tuesday, April 2, 2024

We really enjoyed the nice rest areas in OR. Besides a quiet night, we also strolled around the circular paved walkway over a bridge through a wooded area at one of them. I walked extra careful when I saw the "watch for rattlesnakes" sign! The weather has been amazingly warm, with only a little wind issue coming into CA.

Another thing we always manage to add to our trips is a “wild goose chase” to somewhere. Today it was through about 30 miles of curvy, hilly country roads (south of Eugene, OR) with no shoulder. All we were looking for was I-5, but our GPS takes us on “creative” routes. We did manage to do some tax-free shopping!

Now we’ve made it about 200 miles into CA so far. We forgot that the first 100 or so miles of I-5 in northern CA is mountainous. Happily we got through it in daylight.

It’s dark now, so tomorrow we’ll see how CA's rest areas compare to OR’s!

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