Monday, June 6, 2016

Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA

We left New York on the bumpiest roads yet. The speed limit was 55, but Roger seldom went over 35 mph! Several times we saw deer racing alongside the road, but they didn't try to cross when we were there!

When we got to Erie, PA, we noticed the Presque Isle State Park that juts ‘way out into Lake Erie and decided to go to it. I don’t think I’ve been in a nicer park. We walked in the white, soft sand and gathered smooth flat rocks in our pockets and hands. We visited one of the three old lighthouses that are still in operation (mostly for their tourist value). There were hardly any other people there where we were.

Then we made lunch – including corn on the cob! After lunch and dishes, we played a game of Scrabble. That’s our regular Sunday game, but we missed it yesterday because we were at Niagara Falls. Roger won, so he had to clean the game up!

One more walk on the paved roads and we drove away.

In Conneaut, OH, (pron:connie-ought) we toured a railroad museum. They were actually closed, but some volunteers were together for a meeting and showed us around!

From there we drove to Ashtabula, OH. There’s an underground railroad museum we really wanted to see, but they’re only open on weekends, so we’ll miss that one. Our GPS led us on one scary ride down a VERY steep hill on very old cobblestones (bricks?). It hadn't been maintained, and there were LARGE potholes in the middle. However, no traffic!

Checking our email at McDonald's and then planning to bed down in Walmart’s parking lot! So far, we’ve only found 3 that wouldn’t let us stay the night.

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