Saturday, June 4, 2016

Joy and Frustration

When Roger goes on vacation, it has to include some auctions or garage sales. Today we crossed New York on highways #20 and #5. There must have been 50 garage sales along the road. Of course, we couldn’t stop for them all. However, we did stop for several. In one town the booths ran for blocks – we only stopped at the first group. The joy was stopping; the frustration was the driving by without stopping!

Here’s my $3 purchase, mapping out our route with magnets (sorry - not to scale!) (I think I have all 50 States - & the trip's not over yet!):

The hilly, winding roads have straightened out somewhat. Our whole day was spent driving from one small town to another. About ½ of them are not listed on the map! If you want to see “rural” America, drive through the middle of New York State.

Most towns/villages greeted us first with tall church steeples on buildings with historic character. It would be hard to deny that we don’t have a strong Judeo-Christian foundation with town names like Canaan, Salem, Gilead, Rehoboth & Fair Haven.

Thanks for keeping up with our daily travels. Several have posted blog comments and others have emailed or texted. We appreciate your friendship.

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