Saturday, June 25, 2016

How to kill a scorpion & other miscellaneous

Roger’s uncle Bill in Crystal Lake, IL, was our next stop. He lives with cousin Dawn, her husband Doug, and their youngest daughter Meghan.

Another cousin, Sue, was visiting from AZ, so we had a great time getting re-acquainted. Sue’s quite a cut-up and she had us laughing at her demonstrations of how to kill a scorpion. (Attach tape to a broom and make several wild lunges towards it until you have it stuck on the tape. Then, leave the broom outside until husband Barry comes home to dispose of it.)

We spent the night in their driveway. 

Saturday lunch was in Racine, WI. Susan (we met in WA, she was from IL, work took her west and then brought her back to WI), and her parents Jan & Linda fed us a tasty picnic-type lunch. It was good to see Susan again – she reminds us of home! (We’re looking forward to being home in less than 2 weeks!) But it was hard to say good-bye, knowing she won’t be out west when we get home.

Now we are on our way to Lee and Dottie’s – friends from before we married and missionaries that we visited in the Philippines several years ago.

Our path is taking us west – homeward bound. That means we drive into the sun a fair bit (may get us motivated to get an earlier start).

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