Thursday, June 2, 2016

Chipman, New Brunswick - my once home!

Today was our last day in Chipman, New Brunswick. Heather’s dad Ernie Klassen pastored a church here in 1952 (& yes, Heather lived here, too!). We drove by the church and parsonage. There are a few people who still remember him! Chipman now has about 850 people with no policemen. Paul and Chanda are members of the local Baptist Church, which has a beautiful old sanctuary.

The state operates a free daycare facility for preschoolers. There are lots of fun things for kids to play on/with. I’ve taken the kids there twice and stayed 2 hours. We all had a lot of fun. Zeke’s elementary school is right across the road, so after school we all go over to the playground to have fun there.

Tonight we met at a home with a group from Paul’s church for a hymn sing. The fellowship was wonderful.
The kids have all enjoyed our R.V. but tomorrow it’s back to the good ole U.S.A.!!

1 comment:

  1. We are missing you already. Thanks so much for the visit!
