Friday, June 3, 2016

New England, USA

We come from “The Evergreen State”, but the New England States have vast green forests. Many different shades of green. We haven’t ceased to be amazed at the multi-colored forests! And the hilly, windy roads that go along with it, following the many rivers. We followed route #2, which used to be the main highway. Then in New York, we switched to #4.

We were hoping to see a moose, but so far haven't. No Bullwinkle, but lots of warning signs. However, my brother said the day we left his neighbor hit one about 1/4 mile from their house. I decided I'd rather not see one than encounter one!! It destroyed his car and killed the moose. He was grateful to be o.k.

Today we left Maine, drove through New Hampshire and Vermont, and are now in New York (the north end!). We drove through many small, quaint villages that date from 100+ years ago. Very interesting history – I wish I knew more! And every town has a grave yard that would tell even more, if we only had time to stop at each one.

We ate our lunch (chicken/rice mix) at a rest area in Vermont. It was also a tourist stop, so Roger got lots of good information and maps.

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