Friday, June 17, 2016

Miss Winnie needs attention!

Our visit in West LaFayette, IN, with Heather and Harlan was refreshing. Heather and Heather attended Taylor University together and hadn’t seen each other for 27 years. Lots to catch up on!

They had friends over who operate a bookstore in Azerbijan. We learned about their work and needs for the future.

In the morning we went for a walk around a small lake and through the cool woods.

Leaving IN we noticed the check brake light was on. There were still brakes left, so we limped into West Chicago to friends. They were able to connect us with a truck repair shop.

We were treated to a delicious pizza dinner with our old friends Ed and Rhonda. After that we spent the night on the repair shop grounds in order to be ready for service. Miss Winnie is now in the service bay. We walked to the nearest McDonalds to have internet so we could publish this blog!


  1. I grew up in Ohio and we loved the Fireflies.

  2. Are these the same brakes you had serviced in Chipman? If so c'mon back and ask for a refund.

  3. Front brakes were checked in Chipman and the front bearings replaced. This last issue was a leaky rear brake cylinder.
