Sunday, June 12, 2016

First time overnight guests, and more cool McDonalds!

Last night Ellie, Kayden and Hunter spent the night with us in the motorhome.

We were very blessed with the Sunday School class we attended, as well as the church service. The pastor taught both, and had 2 challenging messages. It's a large church, and we'd love to have the kids attend regularly.

The 3 kids were in age-appropriate classes - they check in and stay for over 2 hours (during Sunday School and church).

Our choice for lunch was pizza or hot dogs, but both got nixed by the kids.

So, here we are - good ole McDonalds - lots of playland time and good food, and a cool place in the 90 degree, STICKY, weather.

This will be our last time with these three grandkids. We'll say goodbye tonight.

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