Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Moving Onward...OH Castles and a Cave

Good-byes are never easy. Before we left OH, we stopped by to see the 2 Piatt Castles, manor homes built in the 1820's.

Then we toured the Ohio Caverns – supposed to be the most beautiful of their caves. It was a “cool” 1 mile walk underground, surrounded closely by beauty.

News friends in Winona Lake, IN, – with connections to Yakima and Germany. Roger and Nancy welcomed us and gave us a tour of the place we once knew well. 

Heather worked at the Christian Conference Grounds in 1967, and we both went every year for Moody Week when Roger worked at Moody Bible Institute in the ‘70’s. Many things have changed and some haven’t. 

It was good to be there and hear how well Grace College and Seminary are doing. 

On Tuesday we headed to Rochester, IN, to a college friend of Heather’s – Patty and her husband Pat. We hadn’t seen each other for over 40 years – but could easily identify each other!! They have a lovely home on the Tippecanoe River.

We parked the night at a campground right on a small lake. There are paddle boats and row boats for use here. While out walking, a small frog jumped right in front of Heather! It made her jump, too!!

We experienced a magnificent, violent Midwest thunderstorm during the night...with lightning added to the sound effects. Miss Winnie shook all the way down to her axles. It lasted less than an hour, and woke us up, but was worth it. Those of you who have only lived in the Northwest have missed out on what a real rain storm can be like.  Sorry, no pictures.

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