Monday, June 6, 2016

Niagara Falls & Christian Hospitality

Sunday morning we headed off to Calvary Baptist Church in downtown Niagara Falls. We stayed for Sunday School and church. But after Sunday School, Henry approached us and asked if we had dinner plans. He invited us to their house for dinner. Henry and his wife Heather have  11 children (8 biological and 3 adopted from China).

In addition, another couple joined us. It was great fellowship and the food was good, too! One of the older daughters cooked it. The 3 oldest teen girls each cook 2 days/week. And each of them has a brother that helps with clean-up.

Our plan was to go to the Falls. Henry suggested we take his car (making parking easier). We couldn’t have had better weather.

Roger & I walked over the Rainbow Bridge into Canada, took pictures and walked back! It was a lovely day.

We returned the car and attended the evening service. Then it was time to say good–bye to Niagara Falls and head toward OH.

Driving through rural NY, we find many streets are decorated patriotically. Some of them have pictures of heroes – in memory or in honor – on their banners posted on both sides of the main street.

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