Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sioux Falls, SD, falls

Rochester, MN, is famous for its medical facilities. Now they’ve also had us spend a night there!
We passed through Amish country and made a quick stop on the way.

Cousin Sharon was expecting us and we were glad to renew acquaintance! 2 of her sons and a nephew were also there, so we enjoyed a lasagna meal together.

After dinner she drove us to the Sioux Falls, SD, falls – for which the city is named. 

That night there were at least 3 rain storms, but by morning all was cleared up again.

Our last longer visit will be with Alan and Galina with Zoey in Rapid City, SD.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Rain Storm and Train Ride

We were able to park behind Lee and Dottie’s garage – that night there was a major thunder and lightning rain storm. It took only a few minutes to realize we couldn’t have our windows open even a crack! The damp side of the bed wasn’t a problem, since the temperature was plenty warm. And it dried quickly.

Their church is large and has several services. The pastor’s message encouraged the congregation to embrace a multi-generational crowd. We appreciated that the elders (us!) were to be respected! In Sunday School we learned about some of the issues that minorities face in the American church. I think we both learned something.

Their son Jon, his wife LaShawn and son Daniel came over for lunch. I (Heather) was the first visitor for Jon after his birth. Our apartment was right next to the hospital, so it was a short walk over (in 1974).

Today we couldn’t resist stopping to enjoy a train ride in North Freedom, WI. It wasn’t far out of the way, and we made it a lunch stop, too. The 2 cars they pulled were 99 and 100 years old, but restored! Our conductor, a college student, owns his own caboose - 100+ years old!!

Summer has arrived and with it, road construction. We haven’t been slowed down much, just inconvenienced having to share one lane with all!

We spent the night in MN – now on to SD.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

How to kill a scorpion & other miscellaneous

Roger’s uncle Bill in Crystal Lake, IL, was our next stop. He lives with cousin Dawn, her husband Doug, and their youngest daughter Meghan.

Another cousin, Sue, was visiting from AZ, so we had a great time getting re-acquainted. Sue’s quite a cut-up and she had us laughing at her demonstrations of how to kill a scorpion. (Attach tape to a broom and make several wild lunges towards it until you have it stuck on the tape. Then, leave the broom outside until husband Barry comes home to dispose of it.)

We spent the night in their driveway. 

Saturday lunch was in Racine, WI. Susan (we met in WA, she was from IL, work took her west and then brought her back to WI), and her parents Jan & Linda fed us a tasty picnic-type lunch. It was good to see Susan again – she reminds us of home! (We’re looking forward to being home in less than 2 weeks!) But it was hard to say good-bye, knowing she won’t be out west when we get home.

Now we are on our way to Lee and Dottie’s – friends from before we married and missionaries that we visited in the Philippines several years ago.

Our path is taking us west – homeward bound. That means we drive into the sun a fair bit (may get us motivated to get an earlier start).

Friday, June 24, 2016

Peaceful Lakes and Former Co-workers

We visited Cliff and Phyllis in their new home – a retirement village. They are still getting around, just slower! It was good to see them.

From Wheaton we drove to Sycamore to a former Moody Bible Institute boss of Roger’s – Bruce and wife Bonnie. They also invited another former co-worker, Scott and wife Susie. It was great to see them all after many years (early 1980's). Bonnie fixed her rotel style of tacos for which she is famous.

We were blessed to spend the night there on their peaceful lake.

In the morning, after breakfast together, Bonnie and I walked around the lake while Roger and Bruce went to check out his farm fields and equipment workshop.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

94 degrees and dropping!

94o - it was warm here! And factor in the humidity.

On Monday we met a friend of Heather’s for lunch – in Plainfield, IL. Carolyn “adopted” Heather at birth, since they share the same birthday. While we were in the restaurant, the skies opened up and it poured for several hours. Then it quit, the sun came out and we didn’t get wet at all! However, we had left some RV windows open…

We had the afternoon free to unwind and just work on some items. Roger had to glue a dresser drawer – things get pretty shook up over 10,000 miles! Heather had bookkeeping work to do. (We got our once a month “mail drop”, which gave us lots to sort through.)

The last 2 nights we parked at Roger’s 2nd cousin’s place in Wheaton. They have a lovely large property, well shaded and green.

Tuesday we had lunch with friends from our “before marriage” days – the church youth group. My, they looked older!! But we recognized everyone. The lunch was at a lovely restaurant by a sandy beach of a small lake.

Tuesday dinner was with Roger’s cousins, Bill and Betty. They worked for many years at radio station ELWA in Liberia. Now they are busy in mission work near their home. There’s still work to be done.

The weather has cooled – very pleasant – thunderstorms are the reason. Some flooding has even been predicted. The wind whipped and rocked us, but we didn’t get wet or blown away!