Tuesday, April 27, 2021

WIND, Trains, WIND, Trump, WIND, Triumphant Quartet

The Kansas wind set a new record. At one point I was turning into a 45o right angel curve, but my steering wheel was at a 45o left turn just to stay in my lane! When we met certain trucks coming toward us, the wind would hit with the force of a material item. It didn’t seem to matter what direction we were driving, the wind came from the side. Kansas has the flattest land we’ve seen anywhere. They do have smooth roads – a real bonus!

We are always amazed and interested in the long trains, carrying all sorts of treasures – oil, coal, goodies from China in large container boxes, grain, and lots of other items. Today we watched a 5 engine train – 4 in the front and 1 in the middle of a very long train! I TX we saw trains almost continuously – going both directions and all equally LONG.

Since leaving WA State, we haven’t seen any Biden/Harris signs. However, in every State we’ve seen Trump flags, yard signs, bill board signs, etc. Even where they had to be moved to mow, they were put back in the yard. We weren’t looking for this, but it was too evident to miss. Interesting…

While traveling, we became aware that the Triumphant Quartet would be singing in mid-Kansas at a time we could arrange to be there. So we purchased tickets online and went to the concert at Tabor College – a small, Christian, Mennonite college. (Roger talked to one of the guys beforehand and told him what I wanted to hear – they included it in their program!)

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