Friday, April 23, 2021

CEF HQ - and camping

We arrived at CEF's headquarters in Warrenton, MO, late afternoon on Wednesday. Since it was prayer meeting night, before hooking up in their R.V. parking lot, we drove to a local church for the prayer service. Hebrews 10:1-10 was discussed and very informational.

Next morning at 9 we checked in for "work". Roger was outside in beautiful sunshine - up to 85 degrees. He very much enjoyed getting out and being more active. I worked in housekeeping - 4 bathrooms and endless hallways to vacuum! But everyone is friendly and grateful for our volunteer work. It's a joy to work here. Lunch is always delicious. Thursday evening we had a bonfire in our little rock fire pit. There's lots of small branches lying around - the R.V. park is heavily wooded - so we collect and burn. I had hot dogs and marshmallows, so that's what we "cooked". (Yes, the marshmallows turned into s'mores!)


Friday dawned with the threat of rain, but it never came. Roger was having leg/back issues, so he worked inside helping put new furniture together. I was back in housekeeping. We did our laundry and had another fire. This time we put potatoes in! Nothing like "roughing it"!!

A pileated large woodpecker was pecking in the ground. A killdeer tried to fool us with a "broken" wing. We found her nest! A tufted titmouse keeps calling "Peter, Peter". We found pecans lying on the ground, so cracked quite a few. Roger was busy with that while I "kept" the fire (it was my turn...). The only thing I could think of to put in the fire to cook was potatoes, so that's what we did! 

It's been a good rest stop.


Tomorrow we're off the daughter Mary and Scott's place for pizza.

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