Thursday, April 29, 2021

Hereford, TX, McDonald's and Carlsbad Caverns

Tuesday we drove through OK and into TX. Hereford, TX, was well named - thousands of cattle waiting to become hamburgers. We did have to stop and put extra wire ties on the awning to keep its cover from flipping up, as the wind was determined to undo us!! The wind-swept prairies are well named.

In NM we were joyously surprised that we could sit inside McDonalds and have our ice cream with internet and power!! Such luxuries!! We’re in Roswell, headed for Carlsbad Caverns. It’s high 80s outside – warmed up quickly!

We liked that we could do a self-guided tour of the caverns. It’s the first cave we’ve been in that that was allowed. The size is immense – it’s the largest discovered in N. America so far. The inside was interesting in that it appeared to be popcorn sprayed all over!! The walk-way/path was well laid and easy to follow. We also met a Christian couple from CA that we enjoyed traversing the cave with. The path was 1.3 miles long; pleasant temperature; moderate slopes. Highly recommended!! Photos don't do it justice.


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