Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Memories of IL - Once our Home State

Monday dawned partially sunny. After lunch, we were off again – heading south to IL.

It came to our attention that the pizza place we loved, Gino's East, had closed – except for the downtown Chicago site. Didn’t really want to drive down here, but then Roger discovered they also have a place in WI – and right near where we were! At Lake Geneva – a place full of memories for us.

Our next stop was Gino’s, where we not only ate a late second lunch but bought several to take home with us. The small size fits in our freezer and the cook undercooked them, so we can serve them hot at home!

Heading south through vast farm fields, we were grieved to see so much garbage – plastic bags mostly – blowing across the land. That has to be a grief to farmers. They would have to pick up just before planting, because I’m sure every day blows in another crop of bags.

We drove past a country church and were very sad to see it is now a Godless eastern religion building. What an indictment on our land and heritage as a Christian nation. The world still thinks of us that way, but we have fallen far. While many profess Christianity, it’s “honoring God with their lips, but their hearts are far from God.”

We planned to pay to park and get full services, but for $65 there was no internet, so we “winged it" again – 5 nights in a row without hook-ups – a new record. The R.V. systems all seem to be working well. I believe God showed Roger a loose connection, and it seems to have solved the intermittent electric problem.

A local truck stop was our parking place – you can see it wasn’t too shabby! And right by a Dunkin’ Donuts, so of course, we had to try them!!

Tuesday we woke up to bright and warm sunshine, but the wind was cold. Since the R.V. is pretty tight, we were plenty warm without heat (which we do have – gas and electric!!). This was the view out our back window this morning.

1 comment:

  1. I went to college at Beloit College. Northern Beloit is in wisconsin, South Beloit is in Illinois.
    Gino's looks like a good place. Glad you were able to find one!
