Thursday, April 29, 2021

Snow and White Sands National Monument

For nighttime we pulled off the road onto a flat open area in the tiny town of Mayhill, NM. We went to sleep in a warm world but woke up to snow! The road was unplowed and it was snowing heavily. The trees were loaded with snow.

Roger was considering if it was safe to continue on, but coming up behind was a snow plow that God provided just in time. We pulled over to let it pass, and then followed it until the snow let up. We hadn’t realized that we were in the high desert – we slept at 6500’ and then climbed to 8700’!

The weather warmed up at the lower elevations and we enjoyed a late breakfast in a roadside turn-out which was also a beautiful viewpoint.


We continued on to White Sands, NM. It’s pretty amazing to see all that white, very fine sand – and that is exactly what it is! It was warm and we walked the boardwalk to find small flowers blooming. The first one is the Soaptree Yucca - evidently Indians could make 100 products out of it!


 You'd think it was snow like we had in the morning, but it's just sand.

 We're spending the night in a KOA in Lordsburg, NM. A beautiful Sunset!                                                                                           


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