Sunday, April 11, 2021

SD to WI

Tuesday at noon we pulled out with a snowstorm just starting.

The snow intensified and came down horizontally! (It accumulated on the windshield - not very visible in the photo, but it was there!) We fought strong side winds until we arrived in Mitchell, SD. Walmart provided a good place to spend the night. Despite a major storm all night, we slept well.

On Wednesday we had lunch with a cousin. He’s studying to be a policeman, and we’re proud of him. His mother was my (Heather’s) first cousin; she died 3 days before Kyle turned 18. His dad died when he was 5 of agent orange (Vietnam). But he’s doing well and hopes to graduate in a month.

The weather turned to drizzly, which we didn’t mind. We had a good afternoon traveling, with minor traffic and decent roads. Just inside MN we stopped at a Luverne veterans memorial museum. A real focus on their  local heroes of war. It was so interesting, we only covered one floor of 3! Guess we’ll have to return.

Moving on a little distance, we arrived in Worthington and found a church for prayer meeting. It was actually a Bible study and very invigorating, with many participating. The pastor led well. After service, we were invited to park in their lot with an electrical plug-in and water available. It rained in the night.

Thursday the clouds socked us in, it was windy and drizzly. But when we stopped to tour Fort Belmont the rain ceased and we had leisurely time to view it all. We were the only ones there!

Driving along I-90 in this part of the country one is surrounded by vast fields waiting to be sowed. One farmer had his private airstrip by the road. The clouds split apart and the sun peeked through. We saw blue sky! The temperature was moderate and we needed no heat for the night. That was a God-given gift, since we were once again having battery issues. But all’s well that ends well!

Friday we took our time, stopping to shop and “find” internet. We also tried to find the Riverside Museum and while looking for that saw a gun show advertised, so we went there. However, they didn’t open until 3 and we were too far from our destination to wait for that. Driving on, we arrived at our friends’ home in Madison by late afternoon. Other friends from many years ago also met us there. Because of where they live in a town house, we drove to Walmart for the night. Slept well!!


1 comment:

  1. We will likely miss you today at prayer meeting, but will think of you travelers. Heather, are you pretty sure you can teach Thursday the 22nd?
