Monday, April 5, 2021

Piedmont, near Rapid City

Driving into WY we were “impressed” with the terrible roads. However, later we reversed our decision – they have the best and worst roads, we decided! Another interesting thing about their roads – we drove on RED roads and then suddenly switched to BLACK roads (not asphalt – something else)?

In Casper, WY, we attended the planetarium “sun” show. It maxed out at 14 allowed inside, but we got there in time! 

After that we spent the night in a new, barely occupied KOA park.

Friday was on to SD, where we parked next to our son Josh about 10 miles west of Rapid City. Here we were met with a heat wave – over 80 degrees!! Lovely RV park!

On Saturday we were able to feed all 9 of us here, outside at the park. It was a pre-Easter ham dinner! I baked sweet potato pie – using the oven in the R.V. for the first time. It went so well, I’m making cinnamon buns now!

One granddaughter went to church with us – we really wanted to take her there so she would meet some kids and also see if she wants to return.

The church has a bus ministry and that’s the only way she’ll get to church. Our other son and family also went to a different church. We met at their house later for ribs.

The camp here has horse shoes, so Roger’s been out challenging his sons! There’s also a nice play ground – very nice situation. God has been gracious. Almost no internet, which works for me! I don’t need daily contact.

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