Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ehnos360 Bible Institute, Waukesha, WI

A Sunday School teacher from our “pre-marriage” days was celebrating his 95th birthday so we joined the group of “old” friends for lunch on Saturday. Interesting how different people age differently…lol!

The party was in northern IL. So after the get together we returned to WI to spend the weekend with a missionary friend, now working at the Ethnos360 Bible School in Waukesha. Seven years ago her husband passed away from cancer. We had spent time with them in Mexico many years previous, and it was fun to reminisce. Our friendship actually goes back to before they were married. She’s doing well and not in a hurry to retire. Her job includes mentoring students, which is a fun thing to do, although COVID has shut some of that down. Things are starting to open and she is optimistic that she’ll be able to once again invite students to her place for games and laughter, along with discipling.

We greatly enjoyed her church gathering. She hasn’t forgotten how to cook good Mexican food, which we remembered from our visit there. A pleasant afternoon on Sunday for a walk around the campus here – at Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Waukesha, WI.

1 comment:

  1. Nice that you happened in on his 95th birthday party!
    I was happy to see the Ethnos 360 headquarters. I have friends that graduated from there who minister in Papua New Guinea, but had never seen where they studied.
