Wednesday, April 21, 2021

IN Friends, Fields, History and SNOW

Monday it was back to Ft. Wayne, IN. Driving in these prairie States where we are surrounded by flat fields – some plowed and some sowed – we buck strong winds. This was the worst so far. Blue sky; white clouds; fierce wind!

We were welcomed by the Epleys. It was July 2020 that we last visited them in Ft. Wayne. It was good to reconnect. Roger was able to do a small installation project for them – he likes to be helpful – and we enjoyed dinner together.

We headed out the next morning just as it started to snow! However, the roads stayed icing.

Our spot for the night was a truck stop – many trucks, but amazingly quiet. We felt safe parked in amongst a hundred semi's.

We woke up to bright sunshine, even though some snow was left. Our first stop was the Lincoln’s Homestead – Abraham didn’t live there, but his parents retired and died there. We like reviewing history – America has many great stories – God’s blessings on us. While there we also saw dogwood and red bud trees blossoming. Red bud trees are one of Heather's favorite!

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