Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Sunday Sermon

A Sunday Sermon – summary notes from James 5, Providence Baptist Church, Holly Ridge, NC

v.13a A Place of Suffering-

    maybe you are suffering emotionally – family problems, job issues, financial needs; other

    You are to pray.

v.14-15a A Place of Sickness-

    very similar to suffering, but physical. Some sickness is from God for teaching and some is from our sin, which must be forsaken.

    You are to call the elders to be anointed with oil. Why don’t we do that more? Embarrassment, don’t think it’s relevant to today, lack of belief, other?

v. 15b-16 A Place of Sinning-

    You are living in and embracing sin. Turn from it, repent, and seek the Lord. Jesus came to pay for your sin. Admit your sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

v.13b A Place of Satisfaction-

    maybe you are on a 

high note right now with the Lord. Sing praises!

    Maybe you are content in your sin – you don’t want to forsake it and repent. Be warned and turn today or you will be condemned to hell forever. It’s only one breath, one heart beat away.

v. 17-18 Elijah was a man like us – he prayed and God stopped the rain. Then, 3½  years later, he prayed again and it rained. 

v. 19-20 Invitation: Come to Jesus!

By winning souls to Jesus, you save your soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.

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