Saturday, July 18, 2020

For Believers

Dear Brother and Sister in Christ,

For your edification and enjoyment, we want to tell you a little of what we have experienced in our very wayward, distressed and sinful country.

Many people who are Christians have responded when we hand them a tract, a Tel-a-Story® card, or tell them Jesus loves them. A clerk told us she reads the Bible every day, but doesn't go to church. We encouraged her to go - it is a command of Jesus as well as His regular habit.

A family we met at Old Bent's Fort, CO, was thrilled to meet a Christian family from Seattle - not expected in light of our newsworthy fame! One of the rangers there was also a believer.

A ranger at Chimney Rock in NC was a strong believer. We spent a fair bit of time talking to him about our country and the need for repentance.

There are many others we have met along the road - if we speak up, they will identify. It's an encouragement to them to speak up too, we hope!, and a great encouragement to us. When we pray, we can tell the Lord that there are still 7000 who haven't bowed the knee (I Kings 19:18).

On a different note, we attended a very large church in Florence, NC, where the room was full (with proper distancing). The pastor informed his congregation that he was starting a 13 week series on soul winning in your everyday walk. Not a door-to-door program, but a live-it-every day teaching. How wonderful - a soul-winning, concerned for the lost pastor of a LARGE church! God bless him and others like him. We want to be soul-winning, concerned for the lost.

Thanks for praying for us.

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