Saturday, July 25, 2020

Churches, Fellowship & Grandsons

We spent a night at Josh’s place, even though he has moved to SD to be near Alan. He has started a job there. Brandi was home alone, so we had supper together. We also went shopping together – she doesn’t drive, so was glad to come along. The next morning we pulled out, headed for OH.

Wednesday we drove across part of NC and ended up in Hickory, where we were blessed to attend a prayer meeting. The church was very friendly and, since they had an R.V. spot out back, we spent the night there, too!

The next day we had to hustle to get to Circleville, OH, in time to meet with 2 grandsons. We had about 3 hours together and then it was time to separate. 

Their court case is dragging out and we grieve for them – where will they end up? How many times I have thanked the Lord for a Christian – professing and practicing – family. 

From there we went to check in with friends who moved to OH several years ago. Their family is also in the middle of a divorce. How ugly! It sure makes sense that God says, “I hate divorce.” There are no winners in a divorce, even though it might seem so at the time. And, as always, the kids pay. No more whole family celebrations at graduations, showers, weddings and grandbabies. Always having to think through who likes who and who to invite to what and where to seat them ad nauseum.

Now it’s on to help out some missionary friends who have retired from Japan and are settling into their new American home. Roger is very handy and we both have some energy to expend, so are grateful to be able to be of service. Since they live in Ft. Wayne, IN, we may also be able to stop in Elkhart, IN, where many trailers and R.V.s are made. Roger thought they might have some parts he’d like to get.

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