Saturday, July 25, 2020

Our N.C. Granddaughters

We were delighted to take Ellie, 11, and Scarlett, 9, for a couple of days of fun. Of course, COVID closed most events, but we did some crafts and played games in the R.V. 

Besides that, Heather read some of Grandma’s Attic stories by Arleta Richardson to them. It was almost too hot to go outside – up to 105 degrees! The second park we went to, called “South of the Border*”, had their pool open – inside and out – so we tried both of them. The girls are good swimmers and play together well. The next morning they spent another hour in the pool before we had to pull out.

The ride we hoped to take them on (we went on it on Saturday & thus came back to the same park with them) was closed. The elevator broke Saturday, evidently right after we were there! So that will have to wait.

In the evenings we sang 4 hymns together (they graciously joined us!) and then took turns reading a verse at a time, covering the book of Ruth. We had “matching” Bibles, so it made it easy to follow along. Each day we had a short Bible story and some songs to go with that. We were also able to watch a Zoom 5 day club happening back home in WA!

We’re glad they still want to spend time with us & pray they will make good and right decisions in their lives. Their homes leave much to be desired.

*The border was between NC and SC and the park is right on the border in SC. Lots of fun things to do when everything is running!!

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