Saturday, July 18, 2020

Operation Mobilization Book Warehouse

We have just completed 3 days of volunteering at the OM book warehouse. From here the ship is supplied. However, even in these days of no ship ministry, OM also has an online presence, so books still need to be processed.

We evidently set some kind of record, emptying 9 crates in 1 day. Crates are about 4'x4'x2' and come solidly packed with books. We sort them by ISBN number - last digit.

From here they go all over the world - and we pray those books will draw people to the Lord and strengthen them in their faith.

While working here, we park in a secluded spot between 2 buildings. They have R.V. hook-ups, which is very pleasant for us!

We stopped for gas on the way out of town. It's hard to believe how much less gas costs here than at home. The cost of gas has continued to stay low along our route.

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