Saturday, August 1, 2020



The Epleys have been friends for many decades. They worked in Japan all those years plus – actually, Flossie was an m.k. from there! In June they retired to Ft. Wayne, IN. We were able and glad to stop by and help with some small move-in type jobs. Flossie’s brother Tim took us to his church on Sunday which was a big blessing to us! Russ and Flossie have moved into a new housing area and they are praying for a Japanese neighbor – after all, Japan has been their life!

We spent the night at Leisure Lake, IL – a fancy campground, which you can see from the pictures!

From there we visited a former boss of Roger’s in Harvard, IL. They hadn’t seen each other for almost 25 years! It was good to get updated.

Wednesday evening we were in Galena, IL. A small AOG church in Galena, nestled in the cornfields, met for prayer meeting. Our joining them doubled the attendance. About ½ hour later, 2 more came in. Getting to meet more of our family which God has given us is a glorious foretaste of Heaven! The church has a spot out back for R.V.s and offered it to us. You can see the park-like setting we enjoyed!

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