Friday, July 10, 2020

BPF - By Prayer Forward (our license plate letters)

The Arches National Park in UT is one of those places you have to see to believe. Red rocks in amazing arrays - including the arches! Everywhere you look, there's another breath-catching sight. We're so glad we went!

Driving along the highway, we got too close to a crop-duster plane and got spray on our windshield!

CO must have the worst highways in the US! The speed limit was 75, but at 55 we could hardly keep the R.V. on the road - and there was no wind!

Climbing into Denver, we huffed and puffed up to the snow line - the passes registered at 10,603 feet and 11,158 feet.
We didn't realize there were such high passes in the US! All along the climb, there were paved and striped bike lanes running near the highway. Guess recreation is important there, too! Miss Breezy did very well - no overheating!

We spent the night in Rifle, CO. Temperatures have been running just under 100 degrees! Nights are so cold we need 3 blankets!

Our route has taken us along the Columbia, Snake, Colorado and Arkansas Rivers! The scenic route.

Wednesday evening we were able to find a prayer meeting in a small Baptist Church. The singing was fantastic! It's so refreshing to be with God's people. Next we needed a place to park for the night. It was already dark - and then there was a detour on our route. So we stopped at the local gas station, and just as they were turning out the lights, Heather was able to ask the clerk if he had any suggestions for us. Sure enough, just past the detour sign there was an empty lot that truckers used for sleeping. We shared the space with only one trucker and slept well. There were lots of bright stars out.

On Thursday we toured Old Bent's Fort - in CO. This fort was used for trade, but never needed for defense.

Besides rough roads, some wind resistance today, Walmarts not letting us park overnight, McDonalds in house service being closed so our internet is limited, to top it all off, Heather lost 50 cents in a Pepsi machine! You can see it's a hard! Speaking of money, the cheapest gas so far was $1.84/gallon!

We're spending Thursday night in a picnic area right off the road - all by ourselves. The sunsets are gorgeous.

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