Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Off to OM Book Warehouse

Leaving KS, we pulled into a camping spot in Peculiar, MO. Despite its name, it was a pretty, quiet place to spend the night. We were able to get laundry done and catch up on internet, which has been a bigger problem this trip than in the past.

On Saturday, we drove to Columbia, MO, to enjoy pizza with our daughter and her husband. We ate in the shade of a big tree. From there we drove to St. Charles, where we spent the night in a Walmart parking lot - the only rule was you couldn't run any motors all night!

Sunday at 8:45 we were in the First Baptist Church. Their pastor spoke on Joseph and it was very encouraging - "The Ups and Downs of Life". We dropped off a package of materials for the pastor's mother, whom we met at Silver Dollar City several years ago.

So, church in MO, lunch in IL, and gassed up in KY at $1.74/gal and on to spend the night in TN. Our biggest disappointment was that we couldn't find an evening service, even though the website and phone message said there was one, it didn't happen.

Traffic has really not been a problem; the roads seem to be improving,too!

The highlight of TN was McDonald's - we could go inside and eat inside!!! How exciting!!!

We drove to SC to visit briefly with friends Doug and Margie Nichols. They moved east from WA several years ago. It was nice to get caught up.

Tuesday we arrived at Operation Mobilization - and several couples came out to welcome us. Got the R.V. hooked up and the a/c on. It's just TOO hot here - close to 100 (or more) every day. Slept with the a/c on all night - something we have rarely done.

Wednesday we were at "work" by 8 a.m. (Eastern time). The book warehouse is air conditioned, so it was quite bearable. How soft we have become. We worked 'til 5, with an hour lunch break. The work is enjoyable and the company is so encouraging - they have a mission-minded focus here and we love it!

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