Sunday, June 16, 2019


Many things in Japan are smaller than what we’re used to. Milk only comes in liters (quarts); cans of vegetables (if you can find them) are usually much smaller; bread comes in bags of slices (5-9 slices depending on thickness); clothes come in small sizes (I wear a LL or 2x if you can find it!); shoes don’t fit; our house entry way ceiling just clears Roger’s head; the double bus seats don't fit 2 Americans; etc.

Here are some houses we marveled at - fit into spaces available (we've been watching several new houses go in - about 12 feet wide, if that!). Notice the table and chairs in the windows, so you get the idea of how narrow this tall building is:

I wonder what they use the "corners" for? What would fit in there? Triangular shaped houses are not unusual.

This house we pass by every day is about the width of a single wide with a "bump out". Very tiny houses! We had some Japanese friends come to our apartment (about 800 sq ft), and they were amazed at the size!

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