Monday, June 10, 2019

RAINy Season

We just ventured out and returned safely in a rather heavy rain. We’ve been told the rainy season was coming, we were just hoping we would miss it!!

However, we did come prepared – we each brought an umbrella. The mission also provided us each with one! So, we are “well covered”. However, this rain comes from below, too. Our shoes got soaked as well as the bottom of our pant legs. I only slipped once and was glad to get home still standing!

I try to be prepared for such days, stocking my and the mission’s fridges well. However, with us leaving in 8 days (using up supplies) and 8 unexpected guests for breakfast (4 for 2 days), I really needed to go shopping. Of course, we didn’t shop on Sunday, so Monday is always a little low on supplies.

The temperature has also dropped. I didn’t mind having my rain jacket on – only the exposed elbow got wet! And as we walked, I watched to see how others were handling the rain. I saw only 5 pedestrians without umbrellas. These folks know how to do rain! 3 of those had full plastic rain covers (one in a wheelchair); one older lady had a large hat! and one young man stood under an awning.

It rained heavily Saturday night and we were concerned about walking to church on Sunday. The park next to us was a sea of water. But the Lord graciously dried up the clouds, and we walked both ways without using our umbrellas.

Pray we’ll be able to finish up our outreach to the kids and clerks without having to give them soaked notes and pamphlets!


  1. Oh, haha, yes it's "Tsuyu" in Japan! The rain helps rice grains to grow. Well, your long journey is almost coming to the end. We are looking forward to seeing you.

  2. We're home, Ikue. Drop by - we're mostly over jet lag, I think/hope!
