Sunday, June 16, 2019

BIG things

Yes, some things (besides the price of almost everything) are bigger in Japan than at home.

Excuse me, but toilet paper sheets are double the size – twice as long as wide! (Oh, and if you want 2 ply, look for the “W” on the wrapping. It stands for “double U”, or double paper, as was explained to us. S means single ply!) So, S or W - your choice!

Heads of lettuce come bigger – they don’t take any outside leaves off, so they are quite large! Lots of dark green - and sometimes some other surprises. So glad nothing has moved in my lettuce heads!! The price has been interesting in this last week. I bought 3 heads of lettuce; the first time they were 88 yen; the next day 138 yen; and the next day 68! Haven't figured out why.

They sell some huge roots - 2+ feet long and 3" in diameter. We've been told they are comparable to radishes. Roger says they look like elephant tusks! There are some other large "things" we have no idea what they are - they look a little like an overgrown green onion with mostly white roots a good 1" in diameter.

Pepsi – the kind I like, with sugar! – we’ve only found in the extra large size (compared to the size of the can of peas & a "regular" sized can of kidney beans). I can get them at several vending machines for 100 yen (or 120 or 130, but I know where the 100 price is!)

And, the price of post cards is exorbitant – 150 yen ($1.50). Because of that, I’ve only been able to send one card per family whereas I usually send one per person. They were also hard to find – guess we’re not in a primarily tourist area.

Postage was quite affordable, but the local Family Mart didn't have the right denomination, so they put together 2 stamps that only cost me 2 yen extra per card!

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