Thursday, June 6, 2019

On My Daily Trip to the Store, I passed:

a print shop; a physical therapy store front; a barber; a dry cleaners (2); a health clinic; several small clothing stores; several tiny restaurants; a bar; a dentist; a realtor (rent or purchase we think); a below ground garage & an above ground bike parking place (all for a price); several high rise apartment buildings; a liquor store; a 3-slot internet station;

the Watts 100 yen stop (it's above the SanPei grocery store - you have to push a bar to open the automatic sliding door)


the Hope Bible Church  (a tiny storefront church struggling to make it - seating 15-20 people)


a "Obento" (fast food carry out) shop (samples on display with prices):

An inside below ground car parking facility:

Human Communication (not quite sure what this is):

a drug store:

A fresh fish market:

Flower shop:

a World Foods - (about 12x20 in size right on the corner - they have some items from abroad):

An outside car parking lot:

a drug store (we think):

& many other tiny shops that we haven't figured out what happens inside - all in our 4-5 daily block walk! The city in miniature - no motorized vehicles required!!

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