Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Rules are rules! - & Construction / Demolition

No smoking – painted on the sidewalk at regular intervals (there is only one smoking spot we know about). The Japanese are pretty good about keeping this rule. Sometimes we spot a smoker on the street, but it's rare.

On the other hand, No Biking signs are also painted on the sidewalk. Too bad the bikers don't notice them. We have to be on the alert for bikes.

No shoes inside a house is a Japanese custom– maybe even when the house is still under construction! These workers wore slippers while installing floor heating pipes.

They're putting up pipe scaffolding all around the above site, getting ready to build.

We’ve been watching other new houses go up –  some are just tiny - no more than 12ft. wide, crammed between existing buildings.

Demolition comes first. They put up high protective draping and carefully remove a house that is hugging several other ones. It’s an art they do well and quickly.  We could view this house being demolished from our porch.

A week later, here's what you see...

There's also lots of commercial construction and remodeling happening in our area. Everyday we walk by another building being wrapped in scaffolding and netting. It goes up quickly. We don't know if it's an annual thing or town "renewal" or ??

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